
HP Reveal

HP Reveal. 認識擴增實境. 所謂擴增實境(​A​ugmented ​R​eality),是一種把虛擬化技術加到使用者感官知覺上再來觀察世界的. 方式。例如把一個虛擬的三維的玫瑰花影像放 ...

HP Reveal

Learners can create their own interactive displays where posters and displays can trigger content pupils have created to further demonstrate their knowledge.

HP Reveal 6.0.0 Free Download

HP Reveal (formerly Aurasma) changes the way we interact with the physical world. Discover augmented reality (AR) experiences, create your own AR, ...

HP Reveal

HP Reveal (previously known as Aurasma) is an augmented reality platform accessible via the web, mobile app, or as a software developer's kit (SDK).


HP Reveal 可以讓我們直接用手機或平板App自製AR成品(Auras),設定步驟也相當簡單, 只要先拍一張辨識相片(Trigger Image),再設定擴增圖層Overlay(可以是HP Reveal 內附的3D ...

Sarah 每月一寶HP Reveal for AR

2018年6月11日 — 這次Sarah老師在公開觀課時,展示了在英語課裡使用AR相關軟體設計的活動,現場學生與觀課的老師們都展現了高度的興趣,以下就請她詳細說明製作的過程。


HP Reveal is a free app for iOS and Android devices that uses advanced image recognition to blend the real-world with rich interactive content.

With the launch of HP Reveal, augmented reality gets real

The new platform will allow AR to embed all kinds of useful digital information into real-world objects via smart printing.

教學現場,簡單就是美——兼悼HP Reveal

2019年12月18日 — 雖然多年來一直學#Aurasma 和#HPReveal,也教會我這個文科老師什麼是trigger。然而,請學生subscribe VR Channel 這個功能,其實是沒有LMS的環境下才會有效。


HPReveal.認識擴增實境.所謂擴增實境(​A​ugmented​R​eality),是一種把虛擬化技術加到使用者感官知覺上再來觀察世界的.方式。例如把一個虛擬的三維的玫瑰花影像放 ...,Learnerscancreatetheirowninteractivedisplayswherepostersanddisplayscantriggercontentpupilshavecreatedtofurtherdemonstratetheirknowledge.,HPReveal(formerlyAurasma)changesthewayweinteractwiththephysicalworld.Discoveraugmentedreality(AR)expe...